Below is the full list of speaker giveaways. Enjoy!

Day 1


Elizabeth Holmstrom
Mindful Employer (PDF)

Earle Durham
Cash Flow Tips PDF
How to Manage Cash Flow (Presentation Slides)

Workforce Development in Maine Panel

Bill Benson
Boots2Roots Case Statement (PDF)

Stefanie Trice Gill
Recruitment of STEM professionals | Diversity Recruitment | Executive Searches | Pipeline Development | Outplacement for Diverse Professionals. Connect with Stefanie Trice Gill regarding IntWork STEM | Diversity Recruitment and learn more about IntWork‘s Engineer licensure prep initiative

Follow Stefanie Trice Gill / IntWork on Linkedin and Facebook
Learn tips from her 5-min DisruptHR talk: “Hidden Immigrant Talent & the Skills Gap
For staffing support or to schedule a speaker on STEM | Diversity recruitment: call (207) 200-1930, email [email protected], or go to IntWork.

Yellow Breen
For adult students or displaced workers in need of training & educational opportunities – or those who work with them: the Adult Promise HUB –
To Get Involved in MaineSpark generally:
For MDF’s work on Making Maine Work and Measures of Growth analyses of workforce & economic growth issues and metrics:


Day 2


Michelle Neujahr
60-Minute Business Growth Strategy Session with Michelle Neujahr.
This time can be used to deep dive into any current business issue you are facing. Email [email protected] to set up a time today!

Patrick Veroneau
Download the POWER Journal for free.
Follow my posts on Emotional Intelligence through LinkedIn or better on my podcast, Lead Like No Other.

A free webinar I am offering for those struggling with career choices because of the crisis.
When: Apr 13, 2020 04:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: From Crisis to Career Change: How to Make Your Next Move
Register in advance for this webinar:

Angela Hansen & Holly Lancaster
Managing Talent in a Chaotic Business Environment (Presentation Slides)

Yury Nabokov
Presentation Materials (PDFs, Slides)

John Lee Dumas
Podcast Launch Book