Posts Tagged: Leadership

How to Develop Leadership Throughout Your Company – Bo Balcavage

How do you view leadership inside your company? Is it top down, or are you investing in the leadership at all levels of your company? How can you create better leaders within your company, and what does that look like?  We’ll tackle these questions and more with Bo Balcavage of Crestcom, a leadership training company.

What Owners Need to Know about Leadership – Jan Kearce

What is leadership? Are you a leader just because you own a company? Or can you lead, even if you have people above you? In today’s episode we’re going to explore what it means to be a leader, and how you, as an owner, can become a better leader, bringing your team along for the […]

What Owners Need to Know About Shared Leadership – Kevin Hancock

When CEO Kevin Hancock was diagnosed with spasmodic dysphonia at a critical, challenging time for his company, he wondered how he could lead his team out of the housing bust. However, he discovered the power of shared leadership, which he wrote about in his book The Seventh Power. In this week’s interview, Kevin shares with […]

What Owners Need to Know About Branding – Sean Wilkinson

What is branding, and how can it help your business grow? What’s the difference between branding and marketing? Is branding only important to big corporations like Apple and Nike, or can it make a difference to a small, growing business in Maine? In today’s episode, we chat with branding expert Sean Wilkinson of Might & […]

What Owners Need to Know About Leadership and Communication – Seth Rigoletti

Every great leader–in business or in life–needs to learn communication skills. If there’s a communication breakdown with your team, you can’t accomplish your goals and objectives. But how do you know if you’re doing a good job? And if you see an opportunity for growth, what changes can you make to improve? We’ll dive into […]